Alice is a trained Missing Animal Response Technician (aka Pet Detective), personally trained by the famous police-officer-turned-pet-detective Kat Albrecht. With her training, Alice is able to use police investigative techniques such as search probability theory, behavioral profiling, evidence gathering, and high-tech equipment, etc, to help you find your missing cat. Being also a cat behaviourist, Alice can incorporates cat psychology in the missing cat investigation.
When your cat is missing, time is crucial. When a human is missing, the search and rescue effort is generally done by a team of people. With a pet missing, the family is usually on their own. By using our cat recovery service, not only you get expert guidance, you also gain access to the extra manpower and the use of professional search and rescue equipment.
All services are available internationally.
If you are wondering if our Lost Cat Recovery service is for you, please feel free to give me a ring. The first 10 minute assessment is FREE. Depending on your scenario, I can already give you a few tips so that you can start using those tips for your search.
This is a great option if you are willing to do all the physical work yourself but need expert guidance and strategy advice:
CSI-style cat profiling
Strategy analysis, using maps, satellite photos, etc to calculate the probable location of your missing cat
Create a custom strategy for you to do the physical search
A custom lost cat flyer, template for lost cat posters with the most efficient wording based on psychology research
A custom search map outlining your key areas to prioritise on your search
Behavioural advice on how to help the cat settle back at home after recovery
With so many lost and found websites on the internet, plus websites of every animal charity and buy and sell websites, it can be very overwhelming to do all the work while handling the psychological stress of losing your cat. We take the headache out of the equation for you.
We will help you to list your missing cat on all the lost and found websites
We will use our expertise to use the most efficient wording on your listing
We will give you a phone script to help you screen out scammer when someone call you with report sighting
We will email all the vets in our listing so to alert them in case someone take your cat to their clinic
You will be given a detailed report all the websites we have listed your cat, with all the account logins and URLs so that you can follow up every day thereafter